Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Shh! Don't Tell Them I'm Filming!"

On Tuesday, I worked a half-day at work (Mom, I had the time saved up..don't fuss). I left at 1 PM. My coworker Serbrina Richmond was having a farewell party. She's taking a GOOD (non-box slinging) job at Fed Ex. I wish her well. I huhg out, went to Bookstar and got a Blackberry Green Tea Frappucino from Starbucks...MMM, frappucino! (Said in Homer Simpson voice) I picked up my coconspirator(partner in crime is so retro)Bryan Newcomb and we drove to Andy's Tavern on Jackson Avenue to shoot my scene for the movie Eat. Yes, I'm shooting in the hood again. Bryan and I tried to shoot a little footage for King Indie, the long-in-the-works documentary about yours truly. He shot footage of me before I shot the scene, and we shot a little footage of me afterwards. We try not to shoot during filming, and I was not able to pull anybody to the side because there was very little downting during the filming. I'll try to work on that, because who really wants to see a film that's just me talking about me? I'd love it, but nobody else would. Once I got on set, I ran into some old friends: Forrest Pruett (Delusions, Almost Made), Location scout extraordinaire David Merrill (Walk the Line, Black Snake Moan), cast member Sarah Ewell (Shutter, Mail Call), Director of Photography Brandon Hutchison (Rock and a Hard Place, director:Dollars and Signs), and of course, directors/founeders of Oddly Buoyant Productions, Chris McCoy and Laura Hocking. Forrest gave me a nice compliment and it was filmed. Thank you, Mr. Pruett. You are a gentleman and a scholar. My scene was a litte tricky, and both me and the actor Keith(who was playing the character Keith) had problems with it. We stuck it out, though, and eventually, we got coverage. By the time I was leaving, actress/singer Amy Lavere was coming in to do her scene. I normally work with boom mics and no makeup. Imagine my surprise to have makeup and to actually have a mic attached to my clothes. I barely noticed it. I just hope I make the cut. Chris said that I nailed the scene. I certainly hope so.

The rest of my day was random junk: We went to Target, where I purchased another Ric Flair figure for the collection (Yay!), the mall, and finally to Perkins. I had some kinda fish called Tilapia. Nice! I am trying to chill out a little bit after the hectic schedule of "Markus Month". I should FINALLY shoot my long-delayed scene for the next Pittstop Productions ( feature, Spin Cycle. I am reprising my Film Geek character from What Goes Around. I got a lot of laughs, but Rod wants me to tone it down some. It should still be cool. Be easy, readers.


At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey There Little Bro!
Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. It really means a lot. I'll be checking it from time to time, so keep up the interesting comments.

Have a fantastic day! :)

Take care,


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