Monday, April 16, 2007

Road Trips, Hip-hop, and Plays: The Weekend Wrap-Up


I got off work, ran a few errands, and I ran into my buddy Aaron Jones(Curbside Confessions). I saw him at the Thearte building when I bought my ticket for the U of M Theatre perfomance of Shakespeare's As You Like It. He's doing okay, just getting ready to graduate from the Theatre Department. We chit-chatted for a second. After that, I got a haircut, went to the comic book store, and hung out at the U of M Law Building until the play started. It was very funny and interesting play. They used modern costuming, which was different. My favorite was the wrestler. He came out at first wearing a replica of the spinner belt worn by WWE champion John Cena. Later, his wrestling attire resembled Jerry Lawler's, complete with crown. He also used one of John Cena's signature moves, the FU. I loved that!!! Shout out to Lavita Brooks (Just the Two of Us, Katrina's Wake), a good friend of mine who was also in the play. Her character was hilarious!!! I was extremely proud of my friend!! After that, I went to Perkins and ate a salad and called it a night.


I got off work and I drove to Brighton, Tennessee to work on John Fuess' film Rommel's Crossroad. It is set in Tupelo in the late 1930s. I play Willie, the town's jack-of-all trades. Shout out to Alisa Nave (Blue Tail Fly), who plays the female lead, and also Arnita Williams (What Goes Around, In an Instant) , who played a role on Saturday. I also spoke with a man named Jesse and an older fellow who had done a lot of stage work. It was cool trading "war stories" about being extras and being in plays. I basically was there for the barbecue scene. It was supposed to be summertime, and John's sweater was too small for me, so I had to brave the April winds in my white T-shirt. Oh, what fun!!! After that, I went home and took a nap. After I woke up, I went over my girl Tamara's house and chilled out for a few hours. Shout out to Tamara, Rafael, Rudechild, Dorian, Julian, Tam's baby girl Lex, and everybody else over there. After that, I went to a hip-hop show that was appropriately entitled "Ya'll Forgot About Hip-Hop"? My buddy DJ Capital A was spinning old-school R&B and hip-hop, and several groups performed: Iron Mic Coalition (, Poisonous Dialects (, Infinito (, and Queen Nilaja ( They rocked it. I also got some new CDs: Headchange EP by King Otis (hip-hop/rock group), Infinito's latest, Unenthusiastic Ebony Brown Soul, and the new Iron Mic Coalition mixtape hosted by DJ Right Now. After the show, I ran into a guy that went to my high school, Quon. He said that he is trying to get his life together, and he plans on singing on some songs with Prediction the MC, another cat that was in attendance. I look forward to that. Afterwards, a lot of us went to Perkins. I ran into two of my karaoke buddies, David H and Joe. I also ran into Will, a guy who I met that was acting a few years back. He got tired of it, and I lost touch. It was good to see him. We were also joined by Sperichal (, another local rapper. I bought his mixtape, The Good, The Bad, and the Sinista. We talked music and other things. After that, I had to call it a night. I think I made it home by 4 AM. I gotta quit that!! I'm getting too old to hang out like that!!


I was tired, I left home around 3:30, ran some errands, and watched a wrestling pay-per-view over my budy Shomari Gant's house. Shout out to superproducer Paul "P-Dub" West, Denna Greer (What Goes Around), and "Angry" Nick Jones.

It was a fun weekend, but I know that weekends like this will probably be few and far between once it gets warmer. I have to get back on my acting hustle and keep this dream alive. Be easy, readers!!!


At 5:48 AM, Blogger alex said...

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At 2:38 PM, Blogger alex said...

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At 10:43 PM, Blogger alex said...

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