Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Random Rants

Rant #1:

My good buddy Bryan Newcomb (director, King Indie) woke me up to inform me that the Critics' Choice Awards were on and that Terrence Howard won some award and he brought up local Memphis rapper Al Kapone. Boy, that Al Kapone. Such a great representation of Memphis. So, now that I am conscious, I begin to watch said program, and as time goes on, Reese Witherspoon (Walk The Line, Legally Blonde) wins Best Actress. She slyly disses the critics and is her normal cute and bubbly self. Here's the kicker: She makes reference to Al Kapone's statements about Memphis barbecue. Reese Witherspoon name-dropped Al Kapone. I immediately began looking out my window because I was convinced that rocks or molten lave would begin falling from the sky. I mean, if that's not a sign of the apocalypse, I don't know what is. Or maybe I'm overreacting and being melodramatic. Wow, what a concept: An actor overreacting and being melodramatic. Where do I come up with these things? Oh, yeah, boo to the Critics for cutting off Ang Lee during his acceptance speech as Best Director for Brokeback Mountain, or, as one of my friends called it, the only cowboy movie where they both get it in the end (I'm joking, don't call anybody, calm down), and props to Lee for being a grown-ass man and not letting them cut him off! Lee was totally hardcore!

Rant #2:

It's not really a rant, but RIP to Lou Rawls. The man was a legend, and the Parade of Stars Telethon is a great fundraiser for the United Negro College Fund. Lou was 72, and died of cancer. I must sing some Lou on my next karaoke endeavor. Hopefully, they'll have "Lady Love" or "You'll Never Find". Another velvery smooth voice has been silenced. Lord willing, those melodious harmonies will be a worthy addition to the celestial choir in the Great Beyond.

Plug Time!

Yes, dear readers, Markus Seaberry has another movie premiere. The title of the latest one is The Importance of Being Russell. It is a redneck comedy of epic proportions. Look for me in a small role as Bubba Dorido, the cranky convenience store clerk. The movie is showing at Malco's Studio on the Square on Wednesday, January 11, at 7:30 PM and 9:45 PM. These are test screenings; the movie is not quite finished. The screenings are FREE! Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend! It's my third actor screening. I am trying to be calm, but I am excited! It's about to be on and poppin, baby! For more info and a peek at the trailer, try this link:


Countdown to Markus Seaberry's Next Movie Premiere:

One Day Away, Baby!!!! Can You Feel The Excitement?!!!


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