Friday, June 30, 2006

The Return of Karaoke

I received a call from my good friend Candace inviting me to Jordan's for karaoke. I rolled up there. I saw my good buddy and actor Joe Smith (Delusions, Arrogant Dead People) bartending. Forrest Pruett (Somerville, Glorious Mail), Travis Stone (Ray, Just the Two of Us), and Sarah Ewell (Delusions, Mail Call). Forrest, Sarah, and I wound up going over to Flashback's on Raleigh Lagrange. Forrest sang "You" by Candlebox and "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi. I performed "Sail On" by Lionel Richie. Couples were dancing, but it was okay.

Tonight, I will rehearse my part for DeaAra Lewis' movie Tricks. Tomorrow, I plan to go to an open call for My Blueberry Nights. I hope I get chosen for that because it would be a paid extra gig. I also plan to shoot a scene for a Pittstop Productions short Don't Vote for Arthur Henry, which follows a character in Spin Cycle. I should be reprising my Film Geek role from What Goes Around. My family is out of town at a big family reunion, and my big bro's gone, but I plan to find some time for relaxation. Also, I will not be at work again until Wednesday, so this will be the last entry for a few days. Be easy, readers. Also, don't eat too much barbecue, and let's be grateful for our independence.


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