Thursday, February 08, 2007

All I wanted was a stinking hat....

This morning, before work, I went shopping for a hat for my character in a short directed by Rod Pitts ( Rod accompanied me. We went to Park Ave. Thrift and found nothing. We went to K&G, and could not find the right one. We went to Mr. Hat. Mr. Hat, of all people, said to me "You've got a big head". I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. It's not enough that family members and students comment on my girth, I am now getting dissed by Mr. Hat. What's next, Santa Claus giving me a wedgie? Rod said that he would think of something. I hope so. I think that the next short will be good. Shout out to Keenon Nikita (Poor and Hungry, Just the Two of Us), his film Just the Two of Us (came by yours truly) is showing tomorrow at the Oxford Film Festival at 2 PM. If only I wasn't at work. Also, What Goes Around... is having a special pre-Valentine's Day (gag) showing on Feb. 13. It'll be fun. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is truly....

Plug Time!!!

What Goes Around...Screening

When: Tuesday, February 13

Where: Malco's Studio on the Square
2105 Court Street
Memphis, TN 38104
(901) 725-7151

Plot and Trailer:

Countdown to Markus Seaberry's next screening: 5 days, baby!!!

Be Easy, Readers!!!


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