Wednesday, October 05, 2005

We Major

I FINALLY got a call to be an extra on Black Snake Moan. Longtime readers of this blog can recall my near misses with this darn movie. I got the call Sunday night. I said some words that can't be repeated, danced several happy jigs, and yelled. I felt very comfortable because I knew several people involved in the production. Krista Finley (PA Pretender) is an intern on the film. I chilled with the homegirl Arnita (Westwoood!), who is a stand-in for Epatha Merkerson and another actress. She was also an extra in our scene. I also chilled with the homeboy Eli, who was an extra in our scene and a stand-in. I also had friends among the regular extras. Vincent Moore (The Poor And The Hungry, Just The Two of Us), Naseera Lewis (What Goes Around, Just the Two of Us), and my good buddy Mario's girlfriend Tatiana Taylor and her mother. I also saw three more people from Bryan, Arnita and myself's first callback. One guy from my callback that was in Hustle and Flow got a speaking role. I also met an older actor named Ken who was an extra in Walk The Line. I also hung with this guy named Ken who acts and does great poetry. Vincent took a lot of girl's names down as potential cast members for his upcoming project, Drug Related. I keep pestering him about playing a hood or a thug. I think I'm working his nerves. Sorry, Vince. I met a lot of cool people: Vilori, Latoya, and Shawanna, ya'll my peoples. B Team in this piece! I apologize to the people whose names I forgot.

None of us were used on Monday. They sent everybody home with the exception of Ken and myself. By 8:00, they sent us home. Tuesday, they brokle us off into groups. My groups, the Bananas, were used sparingly. I didn't care. I got paid, I have a credit in a major motion picture on my resume, and I enjoyed myself. Oh, yeah, on Tuesday, my girl Angela Davis and her mother joined our extra crew. We were also joined by radio personalities Don and KJ of Power 99. They were cool. I was in a scene with Samuel L. Jackson, Christina Ricci, and Ruby Wilson. How cool is that? I signed a confidentiality agreement, so I can't get specific, but it was cool. I met Craig Brewer for the third time (maybe he'll remember me now). I mentioned that I was in Keenon Nikita's film. Keenon was in The Poor And The Hungry. Yes, I dropped his name. No, I'm not ashamed. I had a brief conversation with John Singelton. Here is a transcript:

Me: What's up, mane?
John Singelton: What's up?
Me: You good?
John: What?
Me: You good?
John: Yeah? How all ya'll doing?
Me: Hey, Four Brothers was off the chain.
John: Thanks.

When you don't have an agenda, keep it brief, people. I had a good time, I had a blast, and I thank God for the opportunity. It was fun to play in the majors for a minute, but now it's back to work and the minor leagues (inependent films). Lord willing, I will be back. I needed to see what I could have if I don't give up. Until the next one, I'm back on the indie film grind. I should start Bevan Bell's Divine Manipulation of the Threads. It is a heist film. There is a character named Duke that has a gang of thugs. I am a thug. My brother gave me cross. I hope Bevan okays my bling. I will also have a brief meeting to discuss my role in this horror film Fraternity Massacre On Hell Island. October and November should be wild. Hopefully, I will do sound and lighting on Keenon's film tonight. Gotta keep working. I have actually seen what I'm working for now. Gotta push even harder. I'll sleep when I'm dead. Be easy, readers. The dream still lives.


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